Wednesday 20 January 2016

Production Planning: Draft 1 Evaluation and Improving

> needs more intense music at the start
> needs a creepy scene of the woman - jump cuts to exaggerate the enigma

Friday 15 January 2016

Pre-Production Planning: Communication

Jess Fisher and I will meet up every weekend from the 16th January to the 31st for a team meeting to organise filming at my house, because the village where I live is the location in which we will be filming. During media lessons at school, we will also talk about our filming and organising. 

Outside of school, we can use Facebook Messenger to communicate via internet in order to arrange dates and times to meet up and what we need to work on next. 

Thursday 14 January 2016

Pre-Production Planning: Costumes

The only human character shown within our film will be the lady who stumbles across the shoe and doll in the pond. Jess Fisher has designed a costume for her - this drawing is Jess'. As it is of a thriller genre, our main aim to try and make this character look as mysterious as possible.  

Pre-Production Planning: Location - Health and Safety

Pre-Production Planning: Equipment and Software

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Pre-Production Planning: Props

The only props we would need in our production are the baby dollies, which we have purchased from a charity shop.

We shall be using the largest one as the main prop which the girl holds as she is running at the beginning as it looks generically more like a baby doll than the others. We may also use an old Barbie doll because within pictures of the Isla de las Muñecas, there are Barbie dolls also shown to be hung up amongst the trees. 

Pre-Production Planning: Make-up

Monday 11 January 2016

Pre-Production Planning: Characters

Within the opening of our film,  we will only include two characters - the lady who discovers the doll and the girl who falls into the lake. We will not show the girls face as this elaborates on the mysterious element which the opening to a thriller portrays, so as to entice the audience to watch more and incorporates a sense of tension.

The Little Girl
During the opening, the audience is reduced to only seeing the characters legs and point of view shots from her. She is running in small red pumps and is holding a baby doll toy to signify her innocence and childhood. The red pumps connote danger, a very emotionally intense colour. This is the character which ends up falling in the lake and drowning after appearing to be running away from someone/something. She is a very significant character to our film as she is the one who helps introduce the theme of dolls. The little girl will be played by Beth Taylor (myself).


Lady Who Discovers the Doll
In our film opening, this lady comes along after the death of the girl drowning in the lake. She discovers the baby doll left lying at the edge of the lake where the incident happened and picks it up. After this, her body becomes possessed by the dead girls spirit and she continues to hang many dolls upon the tree. She wears a cloak and old boots to give her a mysterious presence. This lady will be played by Jess Fisher. 


Friday 8 January 2016

Pre-Production Planning: Classification

I think that the classification of our film, based on the BBFC criteria, would be a 12 rated film. 

This is because there will be moderate violence (such as the girl falling into the lake) and slightly disturbing psychologically (the woman becoming possessed over a dead girls spirit. 

I think it only makes a 12 and not anything higher as it will not contain any swear words or strong violence - there is only brief violence. There will be no sexual scenes and no use of or reference to drugs within this film. 

I can assume that our film will be a 12 based off my knowledge and research of other thriller films and what their rating is. For example, The Woman In Black (2011) is a thriller film which involves ghosts and possessing and scary dolls, which is similar to what our film is like.  The Woman In Black is rated a 12, therefore, I feel our one compares to this in a similar way. This helped me decide that our film would be classified a 12.

References to:

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Pre-Production Planning: Target Audience Research

We explained our opening idea to two teenagers, male and female - Hanna Lingard and Calum Adams, and showed them our storyboard. We specifically selected people from our age group, as our target audience is teenagers and chose people of both genders so we could see how our production will appeal to both and how we can improve it to fit to both. 

We asked them various questions which would help us understand the view point and needs of the target audience. Afterwards we asked them how we could improve our opening to make it more appealing and enticing.