Friday 8 January 2016

Pre-Production Planning: Classification

I think that the classification of our film, based on the BBFC criteria, would be a 12 rated film. 

This is because there will be moderate violence (such as the girl falling into the lake) and slightly disturbing psychologically (the woman becoming possessed over a dead girls spirit. 

I think it only makes a 12 and not anything higher as it will not contain any swear words or strong violence - there is only brief violence. There will be no sexual scenes and no use of or reference to drugs within this film. 

I can assume that our film will be a 12 based off my knowledge and research of other thriller films and what their rating is. For example, The Woman In Black (2011) is a thriller film which involves ghosts and possessing and scary dolls, which is similar to what our film is like.  The Woman In Black is rated a 12, therefore, I feel our one compares to this in a similar way. This helped me decide that our film would be classified a 12.

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