Saturday 10 October 2015

Research: Codes and Conventions of a THRILLER film

For our media AS, my class will be creating in small groups a 2 minute opening to a thriller film. Before doing any more research into thriller films, I thought it would be useful for me to understand the codes and conventions typically shown within one so I will be able to easily identify and use these conventions within my own research and production. 

A thriller consists of these conventions:
  • Low key lighting
  • Quick cuts
  • Shadows
  • Tension music
  • Different angle shots
  • Black and white shots
The characters in a thriller are often a protagonist whose aim is to restore the equilibrium. However, due to a plot twist as a surprise, an antagonist mysteriously reveals themselves as the film progresses. They usually seek revenge from past events. 

Thrillers are so powerful and engage the audience so well because their motive and theme is to make the audience think there is a chance that the events happening in the film could potentially happen to them, therefore scaring them more. 

Conventional shots and angles in a thriller: there will classically be a lot of close up and extreme close up shots of the protagonist character displayed in order to portray their emotions and can be used to focus on the narrative. 

Shots of the antagonist character however are quick so as to hide their identity, keeping the audience engaged and interested, giving them a 'thrill'. In some thriller films, the antagonists character sometimes isn't even shot or shown throughout the film, or is only shown towards the very end. This is used for a tense effect in order to surprise and excite the audience watching. Producers of thriller films will often hold back on revealing who the antagonist actually is for cinematic effect. 

In terms of editing a thriller film, jump cuts, cross cutting and continuity editing are the most common conventions due to their ambiguous characterisations, which create a suspense within the audience and atmosphere of the film. This is essential within a thriller film as its aim is to build suspense. 

Sound in thrillers also feature an essential role in a thriller because it can help to set a tense and dramatic atmosphere. The effect of sound in a thriller, or any film, is that it can help hint to the audience that something is going to happen during a significant part of the film.

Some examples of thriller films:
  • Vanilla Sky
  • Hannibal
  • The Bourne Identity
  • Black Swan
  • Inception

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