Monday 12 October 2015

Research - Thriller genre (sub-genre: Conspiracy): The Bourne Identity (2002) Intro

The Bourne Identity (2002) is a conspiracy thriller, based on the story of a young man salvaged near death out in the ocean by Italian fishermen. When he becomes conscious again, he suffers from complete amnesia without knowing his identity or background. This incorporates the genre of conspiracy, particularly considering he's trying to be lethally pursued by assassins and doesn't know why. Due to his lack of knowledge about himself, the audience also has a lack of knowledge and therefore is enticed by the possibility of an expected surprise or plot twist.

The narrative of this opening scene is fairly conventional to a thriller conspiracy in that cross cutting is used to show a parallel narrative, showing the two different contexts occurring, giving the scene texture and creates tension within the audience. Parallel narrative is often used in conspiracy thrillers so that the audience has more background knowledge, allowing them to understand what is going on within the film at the same time as being intrigued as to find out what happens next. The parallel narratives occurring are fairly contrasted in that the fishermen are laughing, having a good time playing Poker, however, outside on the water, a man is floating unconsciously amongst the rain and thunder and lightning. It is not until 1:23 when the two narratives collide, one of the fishermen goes outside on the boat and sees this figure floating on the water. After he sees this, he immediately starts to help save this floating body. This leaves the audience wondering what a man's body was doing in the middle of the ocean, and also entices them to question whether the body is alive or dead and what happened to him. Therefore, this opening scene builds the atmosphere of tension within the audience, right at the beginning of the film. 

Mise en Scene
Beginning with a blackout, the scene fades into the first scene. The quality is blurred, signifying the uncertainty of what is going on and the dark lighting of the dark blue contrasts clearly with the bright light flashing, communicating that it is night time and there is a storm occurring. Storms can often be associated with conspiracies, such as there may be a storm just before something bad is about to happen. This stereotypical notion is therefore inflicted upon the audience - to believe that something bad is about to happen. Although the image is blurred, the lightning contrasts with the dark blue of what appears to be the ocean, illuminating the eerie image of the dark silhouette of what looks like a man's body, floating on the surface of the ocean water. 

It then cuts to an establishing shot of a fishing boat out on the water during the same storm. We then are shown a shot of the fishermen inside. On the table, it is communicated that they are playing cards around the table together, ignoring the storm outside and drinking alcohol. This shows that they are completely oblivious as to what is about to happen, therefore reflecting on how the audience is feeling at this moment in time within the scene. The camera action is shaking slightly so as to imply that the boat is rocking a lot due to the heavy storm outside. However, we can see from their facial expressions that they are unphased by the ocean storm, and the audience can assume that this is simply because they are fishermen so they are used to it. 

After this shot, it cuts back to the parallel narrative of what is happening outside in the ocean amongst the strong storm. It shows the downfall of rain and the dark, blurry horizon, signifying how no-one knows what is going to happen next, not even the audience. It quickly cuts back to the fishermen inside their boat, only this time there is a close up shot of the objects on the table. Here we can clearly see they are having an interesting, fun game of poker, suggested via them laughing and talking loudly and excitedly. Their facial expressions also suggest this, and they are smoking cigarettes which can often be associated to signify relaxation and casualness. This notion emphasises on the fact that these emotions the men are portraying are conflicting with the audiences tense emotions and the suspense within the atmosphere of the scene, creating two very different collisions of emotions. 

The next shot draws the audience into the reality of what is going on. The camera zooms further in to the body floating on the water, communicating to the audience that this body is the main subject of the entire scene. The lighting is very low-key, connoting that danger has struck or something serious has happened. The lightning is still flashing, creating the pathetic fallacy of danger too and suspense, as this is often what lightning connotes. 

This is followed by the scene of one of the fishermen walking outside onto the boat in the pouring rain and lightning. He stumbles around, perhaps from being slightly intoxicated however mainly from the rocking of the boat on the stormy waves. Due to the dark lighting outside because it's night, when the camera tracks him walking down towards the edge of the boat, all the audience can see is the fishermen's silhouette. This immediately encourages the audience to link this back to the mysterious body floating on the surface of the water, therefore implying that the two characters are soon about to meet, finally interacting the two parallel narratives. There is a mid shot of this fisherman suddenly looking up and out to sea after he chucks something over the edge of the boat (the reason why he went outside on the boat in the first place). Here is the exact point where the audience knows what he is looking at - the floating body. There are further close up shots of the fisherman's face as he squints and moves his head to get a better look at what is out in the water. The close up shot is used to express the emotions of the character, which in this case, is curiosity and also confusion. 

After this shot, it cuts to the first clear shot of this mysterious body in the ocean. This midlength shot is taken from underneath the waters surface, and now, due to the camera being closer to the subject, the audience can properly confirm that this is an unconscious body. However, they still do not know who it is or how they came into this state. The idea that the fisherman has seen this body implies that perhaps he will try and save this body, therefore, helping the audience to reveal more about who this man is - which throughout the film, the character doesn't even know himself as he suffers with amnesia when he recuperates.

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